Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let It Snow

We've had a very mild winter in New England. I was convinced it was going to be an awful winter since we got a random Nor'easter a few days before Halloween, but I was wrong. There has been maybe 6 inches of snow on the ground total since then. All that is set to change in the next 24 hours. Depending on what news report you see, we are getting 3-6 inches or 8-12. I am not-so-secretly rooting for the 8-12. I'd love an opportunity to sit at home and watch movies all day. The only thing that sucks is I don't get paid if the terminal shuts down. *sigh*
My pelvic pain seems to be doing better. I can't really walk around for more than 30 minutes or I start to walk like a career cowboy. Mimi made me a butt doughnut since I have a theory that it's the constant sitting that I do is not helping.
Our kitchen reno is at a stand-still. It looks good but we still have to do the cabinet doors, and technically paint the walls, but I'm still not 100% on painting those. I'm really looking forward to starting Eleanor's bedroom. Hopefully, we'll get that started on the second week of March.
Well, it's dinner time in the Haueisen House.

It is now 2 am. I had a nightmare that I'm going to chronicle here, but it A) doesn't make much sense and B) isn't very scary, but I woke up scared and hungry so awake I am.

It had something to do with a hat my nana had (When in actuality, it's a hat my aunt Diane owns). I put it on and I could see ghosts or angry angels and they were really upset about something Nicole and I had done. Most thing times where I have nightmare it involves the house I grew up in. I was scared about something and then these two guys tried to break into my house. ...  Most unscary dream ever but I'm horrified. and finally sleepy...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I've got to get good at blogging

I never keep journals well. My mind doesn't keep up with it. But I need a reminder of all the things that are happening. So, a brief background.
Shawn and I met in November of 2008. He was 24 and I was 21. By April of '09, we were living together (With 3 other people, 3 other animals beside our 3 in an apartment that was in no way ready for us.) We moved into our own place in August with our two dogs Posey and Lily, and our new kitty Hijinx.

On July 23, 2010 Shawn proposed and we decided to get married that October. It was a whirlwind of planning, seating charts and just a little stress. On October 30, 2010 we got married in Lowell with 75 guest in attendance. I loved my wedding.

I woke up on September 23 2011. It was a Friday. We had a friend's birthday party the next night, and I wanted to know if I could drink. Shawn and I had been trying to get pregnant since we'd gotten married, and had started some of our fertility testing because I have PCOS and hypothyriodism. I dipped my little test and did my hair while I waited. I looked down and saw a faint second line. Oh my god.
I had had 30 different ways I was going to tell Shawn I was pregnant, but tearing into the room at 6:15 in the morning screaming "I'm pregnant!" was not one of them. I cried while he tried to wake up and adjust. After he asked if I was sure he said, "Oh man. I speared the shit out of you the other day." A spear is a wrestling move where a shoulder is rammed into your stomach.
We told our parents right away, and had our first ultra sound just a few weeks later. That little blob is the start of our baby.

On December 23rd (Wow. The 23rd is a big day for us.) We found out we're having a little girl. Her name is Eleanor Cadence.

So now, we're just waiting for her arrival. We've fixed up the house and are about to start on the nursery. I recently found out a good friend of mine is expecting her first baby in October! I cannot wait until our babies are playing together!
Oh, and here's me and Ella: 25w1d