Wednesday, March 14, 2012

28 Week Visit

I was not in love with this appointment. I was supposed to take my glucose test today. After breakfast, I drank the nasty glucola. It tastes like flat sugar-y Sprite. A few minutes after I drank it, I stood up to leave and I threw it up all over myself. And then again when I was trying to changed. I had to rush out the door and I was late for my appointment. I got weight and I very sadly gained 12 pounds in the last month. I lost 15 pounds in my first trimester and was still under my pre-pregnancy weight at 24 weeks. Well, that's been shot to hell.
So I start crying in the office, because I've been doing so well just to have it blown away. I don't know what I did differently this month. I think Ella just decided to slow down her growth. I meet Dr Bitch. She was very nice at first, but I was so rushed because I threw up the glucola. She didn't have time to answer my questions and when she did she answered them like I was a small child. It angers me. I didn't go to medical school. I don't know what's normal and what isn't. I sobbed the whole way home.
Let's hope my appointment in 2 weeks goes much better.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Birth fears

I am extremely anxious about giving birth. I have a low pain tolerance. We had to go to L&D at 25 weeks for pelvic pressure and I had to have a ferning test to make sure my water hadn't broken. It was seriously the most uncomfortable sensation I've ever had. A Q-tip was rubbed against my cervix. I hated the entire 30 seconds it lasted. I thought about punching the stupid nurse for torturing me.
I read an article today about how to keep your premium in tact during labor. It made my heart start to pound as I read. I plan on a medically assisted birth. I want the drugs. I want all the drugs. I'm not opposed to a c-section and getting a cut isn't  something that is on my mind. I want to make sure that I deliver in a way that will make me want to have more babies. I want Eleanor born safely and on her due date (Or up to two weeks before)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Babymoon Part 2!

I have also decided that I need to have a ceiling fan and a king sized bed in my house too. I slept so well and I’m saying it’s both those things. I didn’t accidentally snore myself awake. The only discomfort I had was this damn rib and a super weird feeling in my lower pelvis. My next doctor’s appointment is on the 15th so I will be discussing these pains with him/her. Hopefully it’s not Dr Bitch.
I woke up at a reasonable hour of nine. I turned on the TV and watched HGTV. I miss cable sometimes, but we cannot justify the cost for me to watch Income Property and Get It Sold while eating cereal in bed on a Sunday. I laid around for a few hours before I woke up Shawn. We didn’t really want to go to anything. We finally decided to go out for lunch at about one o’clock. We are in a strange town with a few different restaurants. We ate a Friendly’s. We rented some movies and curled up in bed. We napped. We made dinner. We played Bezzerwizzer. We sat in the Jacuzzi.
I am not saying that we had the most adventurous of vacations, but we rested. Rest was really what we needed. Just time to lay around and not have to care for anything. We may not have Eleanor yet, but we do have Posey, Lily, Nora and Hijinx.  We also have to think about how we’re going to re-do the apartment. We have to listen to our asshole neighbors stomp around, banging shit and screaming at each other. I didn’t have to answer any phone calls or texts if I didn’t want to.
Today is my 25th birthday, and the start of my 3rd trimester. Ella will be here in 13 weeks or less. It’s making my heart pound. I feel like we have a lot to do, but really we don’t. I’m very much looking forward to this. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Babymoon part 1

Yesterday, Shawn and I went up to the timeshare in the Berkshires. Shawn's parents bought it a few months ago and we decided to take a few days off work to celebrate my 25th birthday while having a little bit of a babymoon. We've never gone anywhere alone together, except for one night when Shawn's friend got married. 

However, Shawn ended up getting very drunk and we didn't get to enjoy the time together.
We wrangled up the dogs to leave at my in-laws til tomorrow then my mom would take them til we got back on Tuesday. We gassed up and headed out. Silver Lakes Resort is in Lee, which is about two hours from L-town. It was a really nice drive. We listened to music and just talked the whole way. My two friends Nicole and Christine were going to meet us up there and do some swimming with us.

We went to the Lee Premium Outlet mall and picked up Ella's going home outfit. I might have overdone it with the walking around. I had a few Braxton-Hicks and my pelvic pressure was increasing. I also had sneezed earlier and my rib was hurting me. I am a mess.

We “swam” around in the pool. By swam, I mean we floated around and talked. After a while a bunch of kids were splashing and being kids, which annoyed us. Haha. We changed and Nicole and Christine headed back. I wish we had been able to check in earlier so they could have seen the place and chilled out.

Shawn and I played some games in the arcade. I ordered a buttload of cheese fries and a carton of Yoo-hoo. It was amazing, but there were just too many fries. We went to our room and took a quick nap before we went out to find food and a Kmart. It started snowing pretty good but it was pretty. When we got back I decided to hop in the Jacuzzi tub for a nice soak. I have firmly decided that I must have a Jacuzzi tub. I'm sorry that it can't be a greener thing as it takes up tons of water, but good God it was amazing to have the jets hit my back and feet. Deep sigh.

Here's the place!