Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Babymoon Part 2!

I have also decided that I need to have a ceiling fan and a king sized bed in my house too. I slept so well and I’m saying it’s both those things. I didn’t accidentally snore myself awake. The only discomfort I had was this damn rib and a super weird feeling in my lower pelvis. My next doctor’s appointment is on the 15th so I will be discussing these pains with him/her. Hopefully it’s not Dr Bitch.
I woke up at a reasonable hour of nine. I turned on the TV and watched HGTV. I miss cable sometimes, but we cannot justify the cost for me to watch Income Property and Get It Sold while eating cereal in bed on a Sunday. I laid around for a few hours before I woke up Shawn. We didn’t really want to go to anything. We finally decided to go out for lunch at about one o’clock. We are in a strange town with a few different restaurants. We ate a Friendly’s. We rented some movies and curled up in bed. We napped. We made dinner. We played Bezzerwizzer. We sat in the Jacuzzi.
I am not saying that we had the most adventurous of vacations, but we rested. Rest was really what we needed. Just time to lay around and not have to care for anything. We may not have Eleanor yet, but we do have Posey, Lily, Nora and Hijinx.  We also have to think about how we’re going to re-do the apartment. We have to listen to our asshole neighbors stomp around, banging shit and screaming at each other. I didn’t have to answer any phone calls or texts if I didn’t want to.
Today is my 25th birthday, and the start of my 3rd trimester. Ella will be here in 13 weeks or less. It’s making my heart pound. I feel like we have a lot to do, but really we don’t. I’m very much looking forward to this. 

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