Wednesday, March 14, 2012

28 Week Visit

I was not in love with this appointment. I was supposed to take my glucose test today. After breakfast, I drank the nasty glucola. It tastes like flat sugar-y Sprite. A few minutes after I drank it, I stood up to leave and I threw it up all over myself. And then again when I was trying to changed. I had to rush out the door and I was late for my appointment. I got weight and I very sadly gained 12 pounds in the last month. I lost 15 pounds in my first trimester and was still under my pre-pregnancy weight at 24 weeks. Well, that's been shot to hell.
So I start crying in the office, because I've been doing so well just to have it blown away. I don't know what I did differently this month. I think Ella just decided to slow down her growth. I meet Dr Bitch. She was very nice at first, but I was so rushed because I threw up the glucola. She didn't have time to answer my questions and when she did she answered them like I was a small child. It angers me. I didn't go to medical school. I don't know what's normal and what isn't. I sobbed the whole way home.
Let's hope my appointment in 2 weeks goes much better.

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