Sunday, March 11, 2012

Birth fears

I am extremely anxious about giving birth. I have a low pain tolerance. We had to go to L&D at 25 weeks for pelvic pressure and I had to have a ferning test to make sure my water hadn't broken. It was seriously the most uncomfortable sensation I've ever had. A Q-tip was rubbed against my cervix. I hated the entire 30 seconds it lasted. I thought about punching the stupid nurse for torturing me.
I read an article today about how to keep your premium in tact during labor. It made my heart start to pound as I read. I plan on a medically assisted birth. I want the drugs. I want all the drugs. I'm not opposed to a c-section and getting a cut isn't  something that is on my mind. I want to make sure that I deliver in a way that will make me want to have more babies. I want Eleanor born safely and on her due date (Or up to two weeks before)

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